Manufacturing, Waste and Recycling Noise Control

Manufacturing, Recycling and Waste Processing are similar in that they all generate product from input materials. Although the products vary, the processes can be similar and equipment used familiar. Pumps, motors, compressors, conveyors are all used within these sectors. How these elements are arranged and located will define the overall noise from the plant.

Noise within factory areas is subject to Noise Assessments, which protect employees hearing. Noise reduction is usually developed by the supplier of the equipment and purchased as a ‘quiet option’. As factories have become more automated, employees spend less time next to machines and more in control areas.

Noise to the community is more of an issue as Society expects this to reduce to improve quality of life. The NPPF provides some guidance and for larger projects, the National Infrastructure Planning process demands a careful and thorough assessment of noise and vibration issues to be made at the outset.

For certain processes, Permits are required from the regulating authority EA/SEPA/NRW. To obtain this requires a comprehensive assessment of noise impact and mitigation. Consideration has to be given to benchmarking and best available techniques (BAT). Guidance is available on noise and mitigation from the relevant Regulator although early consultation will ensure the Regulator’s views on noise assessment and mitigation can be built into the design development process.

Projects include:

  • Waste to Energy (WtE) and Energy Recovery Facilities (ERF) at Derby, Dunbar and the Isle of Man
  • Millennium Chemicals, Humberside for Lyondell
  • Anaerobic Digestion Plants for Tamar Energy
  • Anaerobic Digestion Plants for Biogen
  • Kams Mills for Leicester Paper Company
  • Unipart Logistics, Cowley, UK