Monitoring Construction Noise and Vibration on Major Projects

01 September 2021 by Chris Anderson, Director

Spectrum were appointed by London Borough of Camden to undertake a construction noise and vibration monitoring programme and to provide a critical review of levels of HS2 construction noise and vibration at residential properties, as well as the effectiveness of noise mitigation measures.

The noise monitoring element of the project involved installing a total of nine noise loggers (two inside and one outside of each property), with additional vibration monitoring inside each of the three properties.

Spectrum have long experience of construction noise and vibration monitoring so were able to offer the required skillset for the project, in order to satisfy the client objectives in full.

Equipment Spectrum installed was all remotely accessible meaning monitoring results were available in real-time on-line via the Cloud for both the client and Spectrum engineers, so that the impact of specific activities could be instantly assessed.

When the end of the initial contractual period for monitoring was reached, the client requested that it should be extended to include planned noisy works at night-time. Despite the significant commitment of equipment, Spectrum were able to accommodate this at short notice as requested, in order to complete the project to the satisfaction of the client.

Monitoring Construction Noise and Vibration on Major Projects