Supporting Galliard Homes on Nine Elms Parkside Redevelopment

20 June 2022 by Nick Treby, Director

Spectrum Acoustic Consultants were appointed by Galliard Homes to develop Plot C1 of the Nine Elms Parkside masterplan. The Parkside masterplan, a linear park, is on the former Royal Mail South London Mail Centre, a 14 acre site, part of the 227 hectare Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Opportunity Area. With Battersea Power Station to the west and the American Embassy and Vauxhall Cross to the east, this whole area of London on the south of the River Thames is being regenerated with a mixture of commercial and residential development.

Spectrum were appointed at RIBA Stage 3 in May 2019 to work with the design team in developing the detailed proposals before the scheme went to site. The development comprises 262 dwellings in three 11 to 13 storey buildings, with a communal courtyard. There is a Cultural Hub Hall as part of Block A, and shared tenant facilities including a lounge, workspace, private cinema and function room.

Whilst on site, Spectrum provided support throughout the build, culminating in acoustic testing as the project nears completion later in 2022.

We helped Galliard

  • Discharge acoustic related planning conditions
  • Develop the glazing and ventilation strategy
  • Address internal sound insulation and reverberation control
  • Control noise from mechanical plant
  • Complete acoustic testing as required under Building Regulations
Supporting Galliard Homes on Nine Elms Parkside Redevelopment